Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's All Downhill from Here

Where do I start?? Well, moving day came and went. In the on-and-off rain, 4 fearless and wonderful friends came out to complete the two trips it took in the truck to move everything out of the cottage and in to the garage (both upstairs and downstairs). It's packed to the brim! The master bedroom was painted and the floors polished so that the bed could go in. Remember the lovely mural on the wall? That's now covered up with a gorgeous green and lined with brand new base boards and polished hardwood floors.

The electrician was finally able to finish all his work after the rain stopped, so the inspector was called out to give the ok to board everything up. We failed....

There were three things that needed to be fixed, two of which were easy and my GC stayed late to do it himself that night so the inspector could come out the next morning. The third thing that was a bit tricky was that darn load bearing wall. He said the structural engineer's plans didn't match what was done to support the header beam in the ceiling, so he failed us.

The good thing was that he ok'd us for the electrical and plumbing so that the drywall could go up and the painting could be done so that the cabinets and tile could go up.

The drywallers finished yesterday, the painter is here today and the cabinets and the rest of the tile are going up tomorrow!!

Here's a picture of the kitchen as it is now. It looks 100 times better than it did already! You can't even tell the ceiling was uneven. The ceiling is white and by the time I get home from work, it should be a lovely green!

Here's a picture of the tile in the bathroom. They did the floor and the wall without the plumbing so that the last part of the job will finish in less than a day (which should be tomorrow). I can't get over how gorgeous it looks! Every day when I go in I stand there at the door and stare at the wall tile in awe!! I can't wait to see it all done!! When I think of the pinkness that was this bathroom a mere 4 weeks ago, it's amazing to see the difference a small change makes.

Yesterday I found a web site that is having a contest for best remodeling project. I'm going to submit both the bathroom and kitchen "before" and "after" pictures!

This time tomorrow I should have the semblance of a kitchen forming in reality (rather than in just my head). These next few days are going to be really exciting with how quickly the last important bits are going to come together and finish the transformation. All the roadblocks are behind us now, so it should all be downhill from here!


  1. Congrats Olivia!

    The remodeling looks fantastic. Cathy and I look forward to seeing it with our own eyes. I call tell yo are very excited about all this. You should be.

  2. Fabulous Livy! Thanks for the great updates! I can't wait to come out and see it too! Along with Tsune and Baby Yasukawa!
